What is the rationale for evolving the First Nations Health Governance Structure?

    Engagement conversations along the 2023-2025 FNHC Engagement and Approval Pathway will reveal whether the First Nations Health Governance Structure needs to change to better respond to the evolving healthcare landscape in BC, and if so, in what ways. This includes insights gained from the final report on the FNHC Evaluation and themes derived from ongoing discussions on this topic.

    Will there be enough time and space for meaningful conversations on this topic?

    Between fall 2023 and fall 2024 First Nations Chiefs and leaders will have successive opportunity to engage on the evolution of the First Nations Health Governance Structure in BC, starting with prioritizing next steps to evolve the FNHC’s role within the structure. During spring 2024 Regional Caucus, targeted conversations will aim to address the recommendations for change reported in the FNHC Evaluation. At both the fall 2024 sub-regional or Nation-based sessions and Regional Caucus events, focused discussions will again take place to prioritize next steps for evolving the FNHC’s role within the First Nations Health Governance Structure in BC. These steps will be summarized in a draft ‘Consensus Paper 2024-25’, which Chiefs and political leaders will review at spring 2025 Regional Caucus. Chiefs and leaders will vote on the final draft during Gathering Wisdom XIII in June 2025. Other engagement opportunities can also be arranged by request. To arrange a meeting, please reach out to the FNHC-FNHDA Shared Secretariat team at sharedsecretariat@fnha.ca.

    What specific topics will we discuss in relation to the First Nations Health Governance Structure in BC?

    Possible topics covered during upcoming engagement discussions along the formal FNHC Engagement and Approval Pathway include, but are not limited to: how to change the structure of the FNHC to better represent First Nations’ structures in BC and consider ‘Community-Driven, Nation-Based’ processes; a possible timeline to implement suggested changes; as well how to better align services and funding with a Nation-based approach to health and wellness.

    How might our First Nations Health Governance Structure change going forward?

    Based on findings from the FNHC Evaluation and feedback received during planned engagement throughout 2023 to 2025, changes could include revising or expanding the FNHC’s function, structure and / or governance within the broader First Nations Health Governance Structure in BC.